Press Release G.F.

■ The Prime minister

 • 11/09/2022 Cheongju Eastern Fire Station

■ Business agreement

 • 04/14/2022 Psychological Support Service Agreement 

■ Social Activities

 • 10/25/2022 어린이 호박식물카드 만들기 체험

 • 07/21/2022 반려식물과 함께 심리적 안정ㆍ정서적 위안 전하기

 • 05/12/2022 청주시 상당구 다문화가족지원세원 반려식물 씨앗심기

■ Media Paper

 • 09/04/2023 Heal Your Weary Mind with a Companion Plant in Your Daily Life

 • 02/16/2023 Using Native Plants from Chungbuk to Enter the Companion Plant Market.

■ Media 

 • 03/17/2023 Spring Has Arrived, It's Springtime

 • 03/02/2021 A Small Botanical Garden in the Heart of the City

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