"2022 Seoul Botanic Park, Thoughts on the Advancement of IT Technology and the Healing Industry

 Originally, I had no plans to visit the Seoul Botanic Garden. I had visited a gardening shop in Seoul after seeing the Roommate: Special indoor gardening exhibition. The owner of the gardening shop recommended the Seoul Botanic Park as a must-visit, so I added it to my itinerary and went there.

 The Seoul Botanic Garden is quite popular on the internet, so there is nothing special or unique about the photos I took. I wanted to share our experience on our blog and decided to post some pictures from our visit to the Seoul Botanic Park as well.

 It's not a particularly extraordinary story; we just wanted to share our photos and trace our path from that day.

Record of My Visit to Seoul Botanic Park in 2022

Seoul Botanic Park

 When you enter the entrance of Seoul Botanic Park, you'll see this hall—a spacious area within a large building...

Seoul Botanic Park Shop

 As soon as you enter Seoul Botanic Park, there's a souvenir shop. It felt like I spent about 30 minutes here before even starting to explore the garden. 

 During this time, I was particularly interested in plant LEDs, so I focused on the LEDs hanging from the shelves and ceiling, but they seemed to be installed for the purpose of showcasing the plants. 

Seoul Botanic Park Shop

 However, even in the context of displaying plant products, the presence of LED lighting plays a significant role. Therefore, it seems essential to install LEDs on the ceiling when placing plants on the shelves. 

Seoul Botanic Park Shop

Seoul Botanic Park Shop

 Now I can recognize many of the plants to some extent, but just a year ago, they were all new and unfamiliar. Looking at the photos now, I can see that they are the same plants commonly available in the floral market. 

Seoul Botanic Park Shop

Seoul Botanic Park Ticket

 After leaving the souvenir shop, you can get your admission ticket from a self-service machine before entering the botanical garden. If you don't wish to visit the botanical garden, you can simply visit the souvenir shop.

 I decided to visit Seoul Botanic Park, so I purchased an admission ticket. 

 This is the interior of Seoul Botanic Park. In a country like South Korea where all four seasons coexist, maintaining tropical plants in a greenhouse might not be easy, but it seems to be well-maintained.

 When you exit the botanical park, there is a rest area. Does it look empty? I found an angle that made it seem empty.

 There were actually many people.

Future of Agriculture: Smart Farming

 Now, the future is moving beyond indoor gardening to indoor agriculture and LED smart farms. 

 There still seem to be many technological challenges to address, but humans are creatures that bring imagination to life, so technology will show the way.

Seed Museum

You can inquire about Garden Consultation and Garden Design services

 It's a matter of personal preference, but I'm more interested in the systems through which nature operates, rather than the sheer magnificence of natural landscapes. Therefore, my focus is more on the impact of plants on humans in the subconscious world, rather than simply liking the plants themselves.

 With the advancement of IT technology for the convenience of daily life, the healing industry is also on the rise, focusing on emotional well-being.

 The advancement of IT technology has made life more convenient, and it's the right direction to research and develop in. However, what is the fundamental reason for the growth of the healing industry in this context? 

 With life becoming increasingly convenient, where we can watch movies from anywhere, have robots clean for us, washing machines do our laundry, and cars provide seamless transportation, is there still a need for healing?

 We are becoming more and more convenient this year than last year, this month than last month, and today compared to yesterday, with the emergence of new products. So, what exactly is the problem that drives us to seek healing?

 Korean plant influencer "PRODOG" conducted a survey using Naver Forms to understand why people in South Korea are interested in growing plants. A total of 662 Naver blog subscribers responded to the survey. (Typically, when conducting a survey for a doctoral degree, a response rate of around 500 participants is considered highly significant.)

 There were a total of three questions in the survey: "What motivated you to start growing plants?", "Why do you continue to grow plants?", and "When did you start your plant journey?" However, particular attention should be given to the responses to the second question.

 Responses to the second question were as follows:

 "For emotional stability (relaxation, comfort, solace, satisfaction, fulfillment)" accounted for 36.2%, "Just because I like it, it's beautiful" accounted for 33.3%. 

 In total, these two responses made up 69.5% of all respondents. 

 Interestingly, the percentage of respondents who mentioned growing plants for indoor air purification was only 0.3%, which equated to around 20 out of the 662 participants.

 ▶Go to see the original survey

 In the organic relationship between the body, mind, technology, and nature, there is undoubtedly something yet to be properly defined that fundamentally allows humans to be happy.

Planet Greenfingers, Green Architects' SOUUP

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